Saturday, February 16, 2013


I worked 4 hours, with no breaks, on the video in this article. You should watch it. I've been really "twitchy" about the whole thing...I made this for my followers on Twitter for Valentines Day so I decided that I should share it also. It's a video of clips of DCI drum corps made to the music of Long Live by Taylor Swift. Now, you should watch it...Because I worked 4 hours straight FOR YOU! <3
The only excuse you have is that you are on a mobile phone. Sadly, if you are on mobile you can't view the video because an unknown reason. :( BUT find a laptop or computer then watch it. Thank you for watching this in advance. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Page!! Band Geek Tweets!!

Before and After picture of the blog.
Hey, my wonderful bandies!!! <3 I just added a new page called "Band Geek Tweets" Now you can see what's going on in the world of twitter!!!

In the band geek tweets page you can see what I tweet from my band anon account while also seeing DCI's, The Blue Devils', and The Cavaliers' tweets!

Something you need to know about my band anon twitter: I have two other people running it #GuardPrincess and #BassBro. All my tweets are tagged with "#ClarinetChick".
The tweets of #GuardPrincess, #ClarinetChick, and #BassBro.
Taken from the  page "Band Geek Tweets"
So anyway now you can also read the tweets of DCI, The Blue Devils, and The Cavaliers!!! So if you ever want to see what's going on in the world of Twitter be sure to visit the new page!! If you want to see the tweets of any other band anon or DCI account feel free to comment and tell me!!

Here's a random DCI video:

Well, I'm done for now. So until next time, stay band nerdy!!!
***Your local band nerd has signed off.***

Friday, February 8, 2013

DCI? Huh? What?!

Just another band nerdy day!! So, I wanted to take the time to explain the title of my blog! "DCI and Band Nerd". I bet you got the idea that I'm a band nerd, but what about DCI? What is DCI? What on Earth does that stand for? Well here's some facts about DCI and what it is:

  • DCI a.k.a. Drum Corps International
  • It's pronounced "core" not "corpse
  • For lack of better words, it's a PROFESSIONAL marching band league
  • It doesn't actually have marching bands, it has corps.
  • Corps are made up of color guard, brass, and percussion players (no, not woodwinds).
  • DCI was founded in 1972
  • There are several corps that are the favorties of DCI fans.
  • There are open class and world class corps.
  • Typically more people talk about world class corps.
  • Their are championships held all over the country in the summer.
  • Some of the popular corps and common favorites are:
    • The Blue Devils
    • The Cadets
    • The Cavaliers
    • Phantom Regiment
    • Carolina Crown
    • and even more epicly awesome corps!!
  • More About DCI
Well now that your are educated on DCI, I'd like to share that the best corps on the surface of the Earth would be The Cavaliers. I will be posting a LOT about them. <3 Until then stay band nerdy!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome to The Band Nerd Life

Today we started our  blogs in class today and knowing me, I would dedicate my blog to band and Drum Corps International (DCI). I waste my life tweeting about band on Twitter so, soon enough, I will add a timeline to the side with all my recent tweets!! Just know that you will be getting the current dish on what's going on in the band and DCI world, right here. Now feel free to waste time staring at this random picture of the Marching Senators: